Why Should I Foster?

Fostering plays a vital part to animal rescue and The Yorkshire Rescue are always looking for suitable fosterers to care for our animals in need.

By becoming a fosterer you are committing to care for an animal in need of a home environment. By becoming a fosterer you can have an animal in your home for as little as a few days up until a few years.

What do foster carers do?       

You will look after an animal in your home doing everything that an owner would – from providing love and care, feeding, walks, administrating medications, to vet visits.

Sometimes the animal may need to continue with their training or rehabilitation programme in their foster home.

What support will I get?

We’ll give you as much information about the animal as we can and provide you with advice and support throughout your fostering placement. We will also come visit you in your home for extra added support if required. The Yorkshire Rescue will cover expenses of the animal whilst they are in your home.

The Yorkshire Rescue has 2 different types of fostering schemes available, short and long term foster.

Short term foster/emergency foster: These are animals who need temporary care until their forever home is found and secured! The animals typically needing short term foster care are animals who may find kennels/cattery life very distressing.

Long term foster: The Yorkshire Rescue also has long term foster animals needing life long care. These are animals who are typically older aged animals that have medical issues and high veterinary bills that may find it harder to be adopted due to the price of ongoing veterinary bills.

If you would like to apply to foster, please click here to fill out an application form or contact us on 07436 940 230 or email hello@yorkshirerescue.org for any questions you may have about fostering.